Already feeling yourself starting to slip up on your New Year’s Resolutions? Or are you sticking the landing perfect this new year?
Either way, you’ll need to find creative and engaging ways to stay true to your 2023 resolutions, or you’ll find yourself a year from now with the same resolutions, same problems, and get the same results - every single year.
It’s tough to hear, but it’s the truth; If you want to take this new year to really stick to your resolutions, follow these five tips and you’ll look back a year from now with pride and satisfaction instead of defeat or regret.
Let's launch into it.
Start Small and Work Your Way Up
Let’s kick this off with an example: Say, setting the goal to lose 50 pounds. Notice how this is a common resolution many people set year after year, but probably don't achieve? Sounds daunting, right?
While I don’t doubt for a minute that you can lose the weight that you want this year (if that’s one of your resolutions), it’s much more manageable to have a goal of “lose 5 pounds every month” instead of “lose 50 pounds this year”.
At the end of the year, it’s more weight lost, and it’s much easier for your brain to process small increments over short, manageable periods of time instead of one giant change over a long period of time.
You can apply this “start small and work your way up” method to nearly every resolution imaginable, whether that's saving money, spending more time with pets, eating more healthy meals, etc.

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Make Them Measurable
Resolutions that can’t be measured and recorded are much more difficult to maintain than those that can, and it’s well-known that seeing your progress increases the likelihood of making more progress.
So whatever your resolutions may be, keep the same principle, but transform it into something measurable.
For example, let’s say your goal is, “I want to eat healthier”. To transform this into something measurable, turn it into something like, “I want to eat three healthy meals every week”. That way, you can track and record your progress, which dovetails nicely into the next tip.
Make a Plan and Keep a Journal
Something powerful happens when we put pen to paper and document our progress, plans and strategy. And as corny as journaling sounds, it's actually very effective when it comes to sticking to your goals! So, how exactly do you make the most of planning and tracking your progress on paper?
First, get specific about your goals. Figure out which steps you'll need to take to execute them, and where you'll get the support and resources you need to carry them out. Write it all down, along with an expected date you'll have each objective achieved. By referring back to this planner along your journey, you'll gain confidence from seeing your progress and have an opportunity to make adjustments along the way if needed.

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Don't Be Too Hard On Yourself
New Year's Resolutions always seem to revolve around tough love, depriving yourself of things you enjoy, or personal challenges that put you in the pressure cooker physically or emotionally. It's important to remember that when launching into a life-changing new habit, you're forcing yourself out of your comfort zone... And that alone is tough enough as it is.
For a massive undertaking that requires you to shake up your routine, habits, or the way you think about things, remember all meaningful change takes time. You wouldn't expect somebody else to make a drastic overnight change and achieve instant results, so why impress those unreasonable expectations on yourself?
Constantly reminding ourselves about the things we've been doing "wrong" can hit the brakes on our progress and perpetuate the very behaviors we want to stop. For your best chance at lasting success, cut yourself some slack and remember that positive reinforcement and gentleness go a long way when it comes to sticking to your goals. If you fall off the wagon, dust yourself off and start over!
Have an Accountability Buddy
Finally, why not recruit a cheerleader for your success to help you stay on track? Whether we realize it happening or not, our goals can easily fade into the shadows or be put on the backburner amid the daily grind, and it's no surprise. Life goes on, bills keep coming in, and the rat race of daily life can overtake our deepest desires.
To keep your goals in focus, tell someone about them! Having a friend, colleague or family member to check in on your progress will keep you striving and sticking to what's really important to you. You may even inspire them to join you in your pursuits, and start a wave of positive life changes through your inner circle!

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As we continue through January and beyond, don't lose sight of those promises you made to yourself on New Year's Eve. By staying the course on your goals, you can achieve the happiness, health and motivation you've always wanted - and while it does take a little discipline, the payoff is undeniable.
With these 5 easy, actionable methods, you've got all the tools you need to stick to your 2023 resolutions and keep things fresh while chasing your dreams this year!
Here's to a great 2023, may all your wishes become a reality.

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